After Sales Service



No. This to do for better performance Frequency
1 Start machine in bypass mode of controller Every use
2 Keep controller in Bypass mode for 1 to 2 min after initial machine starting Every use
3 Use controller pressure mode only for mixing and agitation. Use pressure mode for 4-5 mins and keep pressure not more than 20 Bar Every mixing and agitation.
4 After finishing of main tank use clean water from rinsing tank or add 25ltrs water in tank for cleaning chemical residue before next refill Every use
5 Clean suction and line filters Every day after every use
6 Please fill 30-50 ltrs of clean water and spray it in ideal condition before shutting down of machine. Every end of spray and before shutdown of machine
7 It is important that chemical solution shall be filtered before filling in the tank; use basket filter for cleaning Every chemical solution filling
8 Do not use pressure mode in 40 Bar for pr setting. Every use
9 Check for pump and gear box oil level regularly. Contact Our Service centre in case of level goes down below minimum level Every Day
10 Please take care of pressure gauge for any damage Every use
11 Mix 5 ml/liter or 0.5% of chemical for total capacity of tank in liters for outside sanitization. Every use
12 Do not use ATR above 20 Bar In spraying
No. Dos Don'ts
1 Use clean water in rinsing tank. Do not put chemicals into the rinsingtank
2 Keep machine running at controller bypass mode for at least 1 or 2 minutes before spraying start. Do not go to press mode or spraying mode immediate after starting the machine
3 Always start machine at controllerbypass mode. Do not start m/c in press mode or spraying mode of controller
4 Always engage Tractor PTO gear to 540 RPM or nearer gear. Do not engage Tractor PTO gear to the 700 or 900 RPM or nearer gear.
5 Always use clean water for spraying also use basket filter while filling the tank Do not let go any dirt or outside particles into the tank. Do not remove basket filter while water filling.
6 Always use clean water for spraying also use basket filter while filling the tank. Do not let go any dirt or outside particles into the tank. Do not remove basket filter while filling.
7 If nozzle choke,remove the nozzle disc cap for clean the nozzle disc. Do not use any pointed rod or needle to clean the nozzle disc hole
8 Always clean the tank with clean water while after every day use & drain all the residue everyday. Do not use as it is for next day cycle.
9 Always use the the rinsing tankwater for cleaning the whole spraying system after every end of spray. Keep rinsing tank always dry after every use. Do not forget to use rinsing tank water at the end of spray.
10 Always disengage PTO once solution is finished. Do not keep PTO engaged if solution is finished.
11 Use sanitization chemical below or 0.5% or 5ml/Ltr concentration in the ratio of water.. Do not use sanitization chemical above 0.5% or 5ml/Ltr concentration in the ratio of water.

Important Instructions For Routine Maintenance & to Improve Life of Machine

No. This to do for better performance Frequency
1 Change oring and tight slightly in case of ATR leakage; Do not over tight While ATR leakage
2 Keep PTO shaft greasing regularly and ne at greasing points A] both side splines B] cross joints C] telescopic pipes D] grease nipples Check daily & apply greasing as required
3 Bearing housing greasing Every 7-10 days
4 Eye-bolt greasing Every 7-10 days
5 Ensure that Tyre pressure is around 3 To 3.5 Bar Every 50 Days
6 Pump air accumulator pressure (80-90 PSI), fill by gauged air pump. Every 15 days
7 Please log a service call for machine routine check up. Every 30-50 Days
8 Remove both side wheel hub cap and fill grease in hub. Every 30-50 Days
9 Screw Jack Greasing. Every 30-50 Days
10 Contact our service centre in case of machine is about to complete one year in order to get it check for Pump and Gearbox. Before completion of one year

Best Practices and daily preventive maintenance points

No. This to do for better performance Frequency
1 Check all oil levels of Gear box and side drive before start the Rotomaster Daily before start
2 Check the greasing for PTO shaft and side-hub Daily before start
3 Start machine in idle RPM for 2-3 min First start
4 Check PTO engaged Properly in both side in Spline shaft and greased okey. Every starting
5 Clean all blades before start the cultivation by working idle of Rotomaster above ground level Every starting
6 Check all blades for loose and no broken blade Every use
No. Dos Don'ts
1 Use good conditioned and sharp blades for cultivation Do not use excess wear-out blades for cultivation
2 Always check the oil present in gear-box and gear-drive Do not run Rotomaster gear-box and gear-drive without oil.
3 Always use CI140 / SAE140 oil for gearbox or gear-drive Do not other than recommended oil for gear-box or gear-drive.
4 Always engage Tractor PTO gear to 540 RPM or nearer gear. Do not engage Tractor PTO gear to the 700 or 900 RPM or nearer gear.
5 Always use SAE multi-purpose lithium type grease. Do not use local brand or other than recommended grease
6 Use machine for secondary cultivation in farm soil. Do not use machine hard and rocky soil for primary cultivation


  • Understand service procedure before doing work. Keep area clean and dry.
  • Never lubricate, service, or adjust machine while it is moving.
  • Keep hands, feet, and clothing from power-driven parts.
  • Disengage all power.
  • Lower equipment to the ground. Stop the engine. Remove the key. Allow machine to cool. Securely support any machine elements that must be raised for service work.
  • Keep all parts in good condition and properly installed. Fix damage immediately. Replace worn or broken parts. Remove any buildup of grease, oil, or debris.

