The ways to improve condition of farmer in India

The Ways To Improve Condition Of Farmer In India

They are the most hardworking farmers in the world and are always working, day and night, working for their crops. They are living idols in India. India is referred to as the “land of farmers” since most of the population is involved in agriculture in some way.

‘Indian farmers’ are the heart and soul of the country’s economy, and the farmers are, in fact, mother India’s most cherished offspring. There are around 22 main languages spoken in India, as well as 720 indigenous languages, and farming involves the act of cultivating these various crops. Seasons, soil conditions, and wildfires are no match for the “Indian farmer,” who can adapt and thrive in the face of challenges. Mitra Tractor Sprayer Pump is well renowned in the industry for its high quality.

Role of an Indian farmer:

Every farm has its own set of tasks that must be performed. A farmer who raises crops is in charge of preparing the land for harvest, planting seeds, and generally caring for the property. Few Indian farmers sell their commodities on the open market, while others have contracts with processing businesses or other organizations to process their harvests. An agriculture sprayer machine consists of a tractor blower and a formulation-holding tank, as well as a pump in some cases.

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It is permissible to cultivate crops for human consumption and those that are purely ornamental or non-food crops. Apart from planting, the farmer needs to keep his fields free of water, manure, and weeds.

Crops for animal feed are another necessity for farmers

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Agriculture in India:

Agriculture in India is also a major contributor to the country’s GDP (GDP). Sustainable agriculture, rural employment, and environmental practices such as soil conservation and resource management are all critical to the rural area’s overall growth and development.

The Indian agriculture sector has been a symbol of the green revolution, yellow revolution, white revolution, and blue revolution for rural development.

Using an agricultural sprayer such as low volume sprayer farmers may increase the efficiency and productivity of their spraying operations and protect their crops from germs.

Modern agriculture in India:

For some Indian farmers, modern farming is a major part of their lives.

Farmers utilize the most up-to-date pesticides, weed killers, herbicides, and insecticides in this form of farming, along with the best irrigation technology available. Seeds of the highest grade will provide a larger crop. Your mini tractor sprayer can be converted to use the tractor’s PTO blower.

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Condition of farmers in India:

There is a lot of anxiety among farmers. approximately 80 percent of farmers in India are marginal (less than 1 hectare) or small farmers (1–2 hectares).

60 percent of the workforce is employed in the agricultural sector, which only makes up 17 percent of GDP.

It seems as though news of farmer suicides in India is arriving daily from all corners of the land. policies to address farmers’ issues are being developed by people sitting in air conditioning rooms.

The situation of the Indian farmers is as follows:

Farmers still rely heavily on money lenders, and the interest paid to them will be more than the return from grown crops.

MGNREGA Effect: After the Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Act, finding laborers has become exceedingly tricky (MGNREGA).

The labor shortages and the anti-agricultural schema devastated agriculture.

Productivity vs. Price: In contrast to production, the price of a crop is inversely related. The better the productivity, the cheaper the price will be. 

It’s impossible to obtain excellent rain, good yield, and favorable pricing simultaneously. The farmers’ revenue will be minimal or positive, depending on the outcome. Using equipment and low production costs can only be achieved by large farmers. Now, with Plant Protection Sprayer and HTP Pump things are getting better,. 

Onion prices of 1 rupee per kilogram are hardly breaking news to urban customers, but 100 rupees per kilogramme is breaking news to the rural population.

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Middlemen: These are the parasites who profit from farmers’ blood. When I lived in Delhi, onions were sold for 10 rupees a kilogramme, but in Mumbai, they’re sold for 50 rupees a kilogramme.

Every farmer’s goal is to keep their children out of agriculture, since they are well aware of their hardships.

Even though the government has developed several programs for farmers, I don’t believe even 10% of them have reached them.

Measures to improve the condition of Indian farmer:

  1. The availability of water resources and irrigation facilities.
  2. Having access to high-quality seeds that are readily available.
  3. Supply of high-quality fertilizer at the right moment.
  4. In addition, the items should be able to be stored in places where they will be safe from the vagaries of nature.
  5. Finance for farming activities is readily available, with acceptable loan rates.
  6. Private financiers, who demand exorbitant interest rates on money lent, must be eliminated.
  7. Electricity and generators must be readily available to power the farm’s pumps and other electrical equipment.
  8. Transport and safe storage facilities for the goods at the market.
  9. Finally, a price that covers production costs and offers the farmer a reasonable amount of money.

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